Sociokulturní kurz

Sociocultural Course: Financial literacy and debt issues

We would like to invite you to a sociocultural course: Financial literacy and debt issues.
WHEN: 6. 10. 2021, 16:00-17:30
WHERE: Českobratrská 2227/7, Ostrava, 3rd floor
WHO CAN REGISTER: Foreigners with a legal long term residency in Czech Republic and people who were granted international protection.
Course is for free.
What will you learn: Basics of financial literacy. Information about lenders (advantages and disadvantages) and types of loans. Impacts of non-payment of commitments.
Registration: or +420 607 860 812
We look forward to you.
Team CPIC Ostrava

Den konání akce: 06.10.2021
Čas konání akce: 16:00-17:30
Místo konání akce: CPIC Ostrava, Českobratrská 2227/7, Ostrava, 3rd floor