Sociokulturní kurz

Looking for a job І

Dear Clients,

we are glad to invite you to the sociocourse: “Looking for a job Іwhich will také place on the 15. 4. 2019, from 15:00 to 16.30 in Centru na podporu integrace cizinců na ul. Hálkova 171/2, Olomouc (4th floor). There you will learn how to prepare yourself for a job interview, where to look for a job and where can you work as a foreigner.

The course is intended for the clients of the Center, members of the target group of the project (outside the EU) and is provided FREE OF CHARGE!

We will be glad to see you. Team CPIC

Den konání akce: 15.04.2019
Čas konání akce: 15:00 – 16:30
Místo konání akce: ul. Hálkova 171/2, 77900 Olomouc